Utah Health Care Association (UHCA) is recognized by the Division of Professional Licensing as an official accrediting body. If your organization is sponsoring or hosting a continuing education course, UHCA can approve your course for Continuing Education Units (CEU) that any Utah Lincensed Nursing Home Administrator (LNHA) can receive to apply towards their licensing requirements.
Please plan ahead--this process takes up to four weeks once your information/payment is received and must be completed before the course takes place.
If your course is approved for accreditation, you will receive a certificate for approved CEUs of your course. Course sponsors are responsible for providing certificates to their attendees of the course.
Members of UHCA can request CEU accreditation for free. Non-members will be charged a $115 non-refundable fee.
How to Apply
To apply for CEU Course Accreditation please email the following to Brittany Carver (
- Course Brochure
- Course Objectives
- Instructor(s) credentials
- Course Schedule (showing hours teaching)
- Non-Members: Pay non-refundable $115.00 Fee (Call 801-486-6100 to pay)
All information must be electronic--no faxes, or hard copies--for distribution to the Accreditation Committee.
For any questions, please reach out to